Finley’s Wish

Finley’s Wish

Hi, I’m Finley

My Mom’s name is Rachel. My Grandma’s name is Donna. My Mom and Grandma rescued me from a horrible place that I was living in. It was a dirty rundown trailer with no heat and windows you couldn’t see out of. I was so happy to leave there. They took me to Grandma’s where I met my big brother Tucker and my little sister Millie. I adored my big brother. He let me sleep with him even though I wanted to bite him all the time. I guess I was being silly. I was so happy in my new home. I felt so special. I wish all homeless pets could find a Mom and Grandma like mine.

Then things started to change when I got sick. My Grandma rushed me to the Emergency Vet and they kept me overnight. I was so scared because the Vet really didn’t know what was wrong with me and I could no longer see things. The Vet told my family I had lost my eyesight. They didn’t know if it was temporary or permanent. My Grandma would carry me everywhere since I couldn’t walk either. She cried a lot which made me sad. When I thought I was starting to get better I got sick again. I was finally diagnosed with Eosinophilic Meningitis which is very rare. I was so sick. On September 24, 2020, I couldn’t fight anymore. I laid my head on my favorite blanket and went to sleep. I was only 8 months old. My Mom was away at college so she wasn’t home. Grandma took my death very hard since she spent every day caring for me since I got sick. Grandma did everything she could to save me. She called my Aunt Cheryl to tell her what had happened. Aunt Cheryl wanted to do something special for me since she is the Founder of Emails to Heaven so she created a program in my memory called “Finley’s Wish”. The program will help pay for adoptions at our local animal rescue so all you have to do is fill out the adoption forms. My Wish is for every homeless pet to find a forever home just like mine.