Category Archives: Pets

Memoriams for pets

To all of my Fur Babies

To all of my Fur Babies

Over the past 43 years, each one of you have made an impact on my life in your own special ways. From those whom I adopted, fostered then adopted or found as a stray, you meant everything to me. Today, July 22, 2024, I had to say goodbye to Xena. I am hoping that each of you, including Daddy, were waiting for her after she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Until we meet again. Love you all – Chloe, Nikki, Amy, Tessa, Roxxy, Cory, Mandy, TJ, K-Cee, Callie, Jake, Tyler, Xena and Marlee. Mom 🐾💔



Hey Miss Roxx, it’s Mom. The house is so empty without you. I miss you dearly. Baylee is lost without you. I mentioned your name the other day and her entire face lit up. She needs a friend, but I can’t find another dog like you. You were one of a kind. You always lit up every room you were in. I miss your bubbly personality. I hope you are with Daddy. I knew how much you missed him. He always had time to give you a belly rub which you very much enjoyed. 🐾🐶🦴



You were Daddy’s girl. After Daddy died you became my girl. You were always happy. You made people smile especially with the way you wagged your tail making it go in circles. When you went to the Vet you thought you were the host of a party. You had to greet everyone in the office and in the waiting room. You would also greet anyone who walked through the door. I always called you the Vets Walmart greeter. Rest in peace sweetheart. Love you always. Mom 🐾❤️



Another star shining brightly in the night sky.

To my Tyler who has been my best buddy for the past 15 years. You have brought joy to my life more than you will ever know especially after Daddy died. You were the sweetest cat that I was lucky enough to have fostered then adopted. Mommy will miss you every day. Go find your brothers and sisters. Mommy will see you again someday. Love you always. 🐾❤️



Hi Amelia! It’s Claire. My teacher showed me that I can write a message to heaven, so I asked to write to you. I love you and miss you. I always know you’re there because I feel you next to me. Your pillow and toy are on my bed. They still smell like you 🙂

Love always, Claire



To my Mom

I was just a pup when we first met; I loved you from the start.
You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your heart.
Good times we had together; we shared all life could throw. But years passed all too quickly,
My time had come to go. I know how much you miss me. I know your heart is sore.
I see the tears that fall when I’m not waiting at the door.
You always did your best for me; your love was plain to see. For even though it broke your heart; you set my spirit free.
So please be brave without me; one day we’ll meet once more. For when you’re called to Heaven I’ll be waiting at the door.



After 21 years, I wanted to thank you for all the memories. You saved me at it a time that I needed to save you. Unselfishly I gave you the world as best I could, in return after all these years you waited unselfishly not when you were ready to go, but when I was. It broke my heart the day you left. I was ready, but it wasn’t ever easy. Thank you for being my rock and always there. Without you I would not be here either. I protected you in life, I will still the same in death. Wherever I go or end up, as you always wanted… you will always be there.
You will forever be remembered and cared for.
Love you Baby Key.



From Dukie: To my Mom

I was just a pup when we first met; I loved you from the start.
You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your heart.
Good times we had together; we shared all life could throw. But years passed all too quickly,
My time had come to go. I know how much you miss me. I know your heart is sore.
I see the tears that fall when I’m not waiting at the door.
You always did your best for me; your love was plain to see. For even though it broke your heart; you set my spirit free.
So please be brave without me; one day we’ll meet once more. For when you’re called to Heaven I’ll be waiting at the door.