Category Archives: Family Member



Hi Grandma,
I miss you so much down here, life will never be the same without you. I think about you every day and I will always think of you every day. I know you’re resting now and happier than ever, but this life is so hard without you. Visit me soon Nonna, I love you forever 🤍

Jeff Geisler

Jeff Geisler

As kids we didn’t have a care in the world. We especially enjoyed our family picnics. But as we grew older and went our separate ways it was hard to stay connected, especially when some of our family moved out of state. Each of us cousins were concentrating on building our lives wherever life took us. Most of us were close in age. Jeff was a year younger than me. He used to hang out with my husband when they were teenagers. They both enjoyed muscle cars and motorcycles. When Jeff came home from Florida for my mother’s funeral, he took the time to listen to me about what I have been going through before and after Mike’s death. I will never forget that. Today, June 8, 2024, Jeff passed away. I don’t know all the details of his illness, but he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and it took his life very quickly. It is a sad day for our family. I hope Jeff and Mike will see each other in Heaven. May you both rest in peace.



Hi Marlo,
Ever since you left it’s been extremely hard for me. I miss you like you can’t even image. I know you’re in a better place now, but I was so used to years and years of texting and calling each other sharing our good and bad times and leaning on each other for support. I’m writing to you today to share the good news that Karen is in labor, and my baby is coming to the world today. I’m so excited. I wish you were here to experience he’s arrival. I hope heaven is treating you like the beautiful angel you were here on earth. I’ll talk to you soon. Love and miss you. Love always and forever, Trini.



Well this is the 2nd Thanksgiving that I am not having your turkey and stuffing and my favorite sweet potatoes. I hate it. I can imagine you and your momma preparing a feast together in heaven. Nanny in her blue dress and sweater. Dad in the living room. I can’t write anymore as I am crying at work. I love you all so much.

Mom and Dad on your 69th wedding anniversary

Mom and Dad on your 69th wedding anniversary

Your anniversary is full of memories, wonderful, yet so sad. Of all the celebrations and the happy times we have had.

And though you’re missed every single day, smiling when we think of you helps us on our way.

And as both of you were so wonderful and played so many parts. You never really left us Mom and Dad because you are still here in our hearts. 💕



Me again. I miss you so incredibly much. I feel the sadness coming on my again and I hate it. I know you are content in heaven. I know you are. Here are my 2 mom wishes.
I am seeing Theresa Caputo tomorrow night. PLEASE come to me. Please. Tell me you are ok. please.
2nd. Please give Mike Lambert all the love he needs and give Sherry the information that he is with you and God.
I love you so much. I miss you so much. Please pray for Scott. Please give him the strength to talk to me so I can help him.
I love you,