Category Archives: Email

Uncle Jack

Uncle Jack

I miss you so much. I just want to hold your hand again. I hope you knew how important you were to me, and how much I loved you. I just want to go back and feel loved again. If I ever have a son, his name will be John, and he will know all about his amazing great-uncle.
I hope heaven has shamrocks. I hope it has music. I hope you have friends and a boyfriend.
I hope epilepsy and mitochondrial disease don’t exist in heaven. I hope you can walk and run and hear again. I hope you teach Papa some showtunes on his banjo.
I miss you so much. I love you so much. I can only hope I am making you proud.
– your loving and heartbroken nephew



My angel, we missed you that day. Like every day, but especially on this day. We laughed and cried, and you weren’t there. I still can’t get used to the idea that it will always be like this. I would have liked to take you in my arms, to hold you so tightly, to see you magnificent in a beautiful costume. To see you laugh with everyone. You would have put the petals on my head, too, and I imagine you, laughing heartily… With all my heart, a strange expression… I know you were there among us, up there, somewhere above our heads, shining… shining like a shooting star. And thank you, thank you for lighting up this day between two days of rain. Thank you for leaving your smile in our lives, in our hearts and in our thoughts. Thank you for being my little nephew, for sharing these hugs, kisses and games. Then our laughter, our more mature exchanges about what you liked and what you were passionate about. But I’m still not ready to say goodbye. Because there’s no goodbye as long as you’re there, in my heart.



Hi Grandma,
I miss you so much down here, life will never be the same without you. I think about you every day and I will always think of you every day. I know you’re resting now and happier than ever, but this life is so hard without you. Visit me soon Nonna, I love you forever 🤍



Hi Marlo,
Ever since you left it’s been extremely hard for me. I miss you like you can’t even image. I know you’re in a better place now, but I was so used to years and years of texting and calling each other sharing our good and bad times and leaning on each other for support. I’m writing to you today to share the good news that Karen is in labor, and my baby is coming to the world today. I’m so excited. I wish you were here to experience he’s arrival. I hope heaven is treating you like the beautiful angel you were here on earth. I’ll talk to you soon. Love and miss you. Love always and forever, Trini.

Michael Steven

Michael Steven

Hello Michael Steven,
It is Christmas Eve again. My 7th Christmas without you. This has been the longest years of my life. They say things happen for a reason, but I am still waiting for my answer. There is no instruction manual for life after the death of a spouse so the challenges that we must face can be very overwhelming.
I am still working on my nonprofit, but I have found since I started it that society doesn’t care about surviving spouses. I have run into many roadblocks trying to bring change, but I will keep working on it.
Last time I wrote, I told you about Roxxy and how she wasn’t doing well. She passed away on April 27, 2023. She had a massive stroke here at home. I couldn’t find anyone that time of morning to help me with her. I couldn’t lift her myself. I felt helpless. She died within a short time of having the stroke. My buddy Tyler also passed away in March. Mommy’s little Mr. T. I missed him dearly along with Roxxy. I hope they are both with you. All I have left of our 4-legged family is Beagle Baylee and Xena. I have 3 new stray cats I am taking care of. I named them Missy, Sammy, and Charlie.
I never heard from your family since your funeral. I haven’t heard from our son in over 4 years either. You need to pay Michael a visit. I emailed your sister to let her know of the grant program I created in your memory, but she never responded. Didn’t think she would. Never understood why she hated me. I never did anything to her. I am working on creating a National Day for Widows and Widowers which I picked your birthday to celebrate this special day on. If approved, I will email her about that accomplishment as well to see if I get any response from her.
I haven’t seen any signs lately that you were here. Please come and visit me. 💔😢



Hey Miss Roxx, it’s Mom. The house is so empty without you. I miss you dearly. Baylee is lost without you. I mentioned your name the other day and her entire face lit up. She needs a friend, but I can’t find another dog like you. You were one of a kind. You always lit up every room you were in. I miss your bubbly personality. I hope you are with Daddy. I knew how much you missed him. He always had time to give you a belly rub which you very much enjoyed. 🐾🐶🦴



Well this is the 2nd Thanksgiving that I am not having your turkey and stuffing and my favorite sweet potatoes. I hate it. I can imagine you and your momma preparing a feast together in heaven. Nanny in her blue dress and sweater. Dad in the living room. I can’t write anymore as I am crying at work. I love you all so much.



Me again. I miss you so incredibly much. I feel the sadness coming on my again and I hate it. I know you are content in heaven. I know you are. Here are my 2 mom wishes.
I am seeing Theresa Caputo tomorrow night. PLEASE come to me. Please. Tell me you are ok. please.
2nd. Please give Mike Lambert all the love he needs and give Sherry the information that he is with you and God.
I love you so much. I miss you so much. Please pray for Scott. Please give him the strength to talk to me so I can help him.
I love you,