Create a Memoriam

Create a Memoriam

Create a Memoriam

Create a Memoriam

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  • Write your Memoriam here or copy and paste a poem from the list below. Please be selective with your wording and do not add any links. Once completed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select a Memoriam Category, then click on SUBMIT.
  • Poem #1

    We thought of you with love today but that is nothing new.

    We thought about you yesterday and the days before that too.

    We think of you in silence, we often speak your name.

    All we have are memories and your picture in a frame.

    Your memory is our keepsake, with which we will never part.

    God has you in His keeping; we have you in our hearts.

    Poem #2

    I close my eyes and see your face, smiling at me from a beautiful place.

    You tell me you are never far away and that you will meet me again someday.

    I ask if you can stay awhile, I miss your laughter, I miss your smile. Then you whisper sweetly into my ear, “I never left you, I’m always here”.

    Poem #3

    They say there is a reason. They say that time will heal.

    But neither time nor reason will change the way we feel.

    For no one knows the heartache that lies behind our smiles and no one knows how many times we have broken down and cried.

    We want to tell you something so there won’t be any doubt. You’re so wonderful to think of, but so hard to be without.

    Poem #4

    A heart of gold stopped beating, two shining eyes at rest.

    God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best.

    God knows you have to leave us, but you didn’t go alone.

    For part of us went with you, the day he called you home.

    To some you are forgotten, to others part of the past.

    But to those who loved and lost you, your memory will always last.

    It is lonesome here without you, and sad has been the way.

    Life and home are not the same since you were called away.

    Poem #5

    Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day.

    Unseen, unheard but always near.

    Still very much loved each day, still missed and still very dear.

    Poem #6

    Today is full of memories, happiness and tears, of birthday celebrations we’ve shared throughout the years.

    A special person, a special face, someone we love and can’t replace.

    Never selfish, always kind, these are the memories he left behind.

    Always in our hearts and never forgotten

    Poem #7

    Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart.

    Your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart

    Poem #8

    I have lost my souls companion. A life linked with my own

    And day by day I miss you more, as I walk through life alone

    Love you forever

    Poem #9

    The moment that you died, my heart was torn in two.

    One side filled with heartache, the other died with you.

    I often lie awake at night when the world is fast asleep.

    I take a walk down memory lane, with tears upon my cheeks.

    Remembering you is easy. I do it every day.

    But missing you is a heartache that never goes away.

    I hold you tightly in my heart, and there you will remain.

    Until the joyous day arrives, that we meet again.

    Poem #10

    The world may change from year to year and friends from day to day

    But never will the one I love from memory pass away.

    Poem #11

    Gone are the days we used to share, but in our hearts you are always there.

    Never more than a thought away, loved and remembered each and everyday

    Poem #12

    A Father’s love is special, it understands and cares. And grows a little stronger with each joy a family shares.

    A Father’s love is special, and that’s more than ever true, especially when a Father was as wonderful as you.

    Poem #13

    Your memory to us is a keepsake, with which we will never part.

    Though God has you in His keeping, we will always have you in our heart.

    Poem #14

    I never ask for miracles but today just one would do

    To see my front door open and my dad come walking through

    I miss your smile and your funny jokes. I miss my friend, my hero to the end

    If only you were here today, I’d look at you and proudly say “Happy Father’s Day” to the greatest man I’ve ever known.

    Poem #15

    It’s lonesome here without you, and sad the weary say; for life is not the same to us, since you were called away.

    Gone from us is that smiling face, those carefree happy days, the heart that won so many friends in bygone happy days.

    A special person, a special face, someone we love and can’t replace. Never selfish, always kind, these are the memories he left behind.

    Poem #16

    I wake up in the morning and look up to the sky. I wonder why He took you before I could say goodbye.

    I crawl in bed and close my eyes. Realize that you are gone. Then come the tears and life just seems so wrong.

    Life is so lonely here without you. I love you, miss you and wish you were here.

    Poem #17

    I thought of you with love today. But that is nothing new.

    I thought about you yesterday and the days before that too.

    I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.

    All I have are memories and your picture in a frame.

    Your memory is my keepsake, with which I will never part.

    God has you in His keeping; I have you in my heart.

    Poem #18

    Every day without you, since you had to go, is like summer without sunshine and Christmas without snow.

    I wish that I could talk to you there is so much I would say. Life has changed so very much since you went away.

    I will always feel you close to me, and though you are far from sight, I will search for you among the stars that shine on Christmas night.

    Poem #19

    In loving memory of our precious Baby who was born a sleeping Angel.

    We are sending a dove to heaven with a parcel on its wings.

    Be careful when you open it, it is full of beautiful things.

    Inside are a million kisses, wrapped up in a million hugs.

    To say how much we love you and that you are a keepsake in our hearts.

    Poem #20

    Though we miss you always each and every day, it seems to hit us even more because it is your birthday.

    We send wishes to Heaven carried to you upon a prayer. To the place where you are now, with sweet, tender love and care.

    Love and miss you forever until we meet again.

    Poem #21

    A loving nature, a heart of gold the very best this world could hold. Never selfish, always kind, these are the memories you left behind.

    A silent thought, a quiet prayer for a special person now in God’s care.

    Poem #22

    If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

    Poem #23

    Today is full of memories, wonderful, yet so sad. Of all the celebrations and the happy times we have had.

    And though you’re missed so very much every single day, smiling when we think of you helps us on our way.

    And as you were so wonderful and played so many parts. You never really left us Dad you’re still here in our hearts.

    Poem #23

    A dad’s love is special A gift beyond compare. You only know the meaning when he is no longer there.

    A special time; a special face; a special dad I cannot replace. With an aching heart I whisper low, I miss you dad and love you so.

    Poem #24

    Today is your birthday, without candles and cake. And since you are not with us, we won’t celebrate.

    On a sad day like this, there is not much to say. We ask God to honor you, in his own special way. To grant our one wish and make it come true, to have his choir of Angels sing “Happy Birthday” to you.

    Poem #25

    Roses for my Mum at Christmas

    If roses grow in heaven Lord, please pick a bunch for me.

    Place them in my Mum’s arms and tell her they’re from me.

    Tell her that I love her and when she turns to smile.

    Place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while.

    Remembering her is easy, I do it every day.

    But there’s an ache within my heart that never goes away.

    Poem #26

    I wish I could see you one more time come walking through the door.

    But I know this is impossible, I will hear your voice no more.

    I know you can feel my tears and you don’t want me to cry.

    Yet my heart is broken because I can’t understand why someone so previous had to die.

    I pray that God will give me strength, and somehow get me through, as I struggle with the heartache, that came when I lost you.

    Pet Poem #1

    You no longer greet me as I walk through the door. You’re not there to make me smile, to make me laugh anymore.

    Life seems quiet without you – you were far more than a pet. You were a family member, a friend, a loving soul I’ll never forget.

    It will take time to heal – For the silence to go away. I still listen for you, and miss you every day.

    You were such a great companion, constant, loyal and true. My heart will always wear, the paw prints left by you.

    Pet Poem #2

    We picked you from the litter. We loved you from the start.

    And now that you are gone, we’re all alone with our broken hearts.

Note: There is a 48 to 72 hour turnaround time for posting your memoriam onto my website. Please be selective with your wording and do not add any links. Emails to Heaven, Inc. will not post Emails or Memoriams that are deemed inappropriate or offensive. Thank you.