Author Archives: cherylb



Hi Amelia! It’s Claire. My teacher showed me that I can write a message to heaven, so I asked to write to you. I love you and miss you. I always know you’re there because I feel you next to me. Your pillow and toy are on my bed. They still smell like you 🙂

Love always, Claire



Hello sweetie. Just wanted to say hello and tell you I love you and miss you. Wish I knew if you were doing alright. Are you thinking of us and do you miss us as much as we miss you. This is all so new and horrible for us. We don’t understand what happened. Here one moment and gone the next. Nothing has gone right since you left. I pray each night that this is just a terrible dream, and I will find you back where you belong. I need you by my side. We had so much more to do. I don’t sleep at night, because you’re not next to me. Each step I take is hard without you. Please can’t you come at least to my dreams and let me know your fine. I’m trying to be brave, but it’s so hard. My heart feels like it’s been ripped from my chest. I promise I will love you forever, and ever. Please let me know you are near.



To my Mom

I was just a pup when we first met; I loved you from the start.
You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your heart.
Good times we had together; we shared all life could throw. But years passed all too quickly,
My time had come to go. I know how much you miss me. I know your heart is sore.
I see the tears that fall when I’m not waiting at the door.
You always did your best for me; your love was plain to see. For even though it broke your heart; you set my spirit free.
So please be brave without me; one day we’ll meet once more. For when you’re called to Heaven I’ll be waiting at the door.



After 21 years, I wanted to thank you for all the memories. You saved me at it a time that I needed to save you. Unselfishly I gave you the world as best I could, in return after all these years you waited unselfishly not when you were ready to go, but when I was. It broke my heart the day you left. I was ready, but it wasn’t ever easy. Thank you for being my rock and always there. Without you I would not be here either. I protected you in life, I will still the same in death. Wherever I go or end up, as you always wanted… you will always be there.
You will forever be remembered and cared for.
Love you Baby Key.

Michael Steven

Michael Steven

Merry Christmas Michael. This is my 6th Christmas without you. Miss you every day! Your dog’s miss you as well. Jake and Little Marlee died this year, but I am guessing you already know that. Roxxy is not doing well. She has an enlarged heart which is pushing upward and hitting her esophagus and it makes it hard for her to breathe. I was told in a dream last night that she will die within a month. Not sure if I can believe that but I guess I will have to wait and see if it was real or not.



From Dukie: To my Mom

I was just a pup when we first met; I loved you from the start.
You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your heart.
Good times we had together; we shared all life could throw. But years passed all too quickly,
My time had come to go. I know how much you miss me. I know your heart is sore.
I see the tears that fall when I’m not waiting at the door.
You always did your best for me; your love was plain to see. For even though it broke your heart; you set my spirit free.
So please be brave without me; one day we’ll meet once more. For when you’re called to Heaven I’ll be waiting at the door.



Hi Mom.

It’s Kristy — of course — using email of course. My role!

I say hello and goodbye to you in the guest room all the time because I know you can hear me now — no more pesky hearing aids. I just hope you are well with Dad, Dan, your family, your friends, and not upset with any of us for what you didn’t have — a beautiful death. Like Dad.

You won’t think so, but selfishly speaking, I’m glad you were with family right up to the end, and not alone in Hawaii with us too far to get to you in time. It was good for us, not for you.

Clif was in the air when you finally left us, almost here. We were all together to care for each other.

You already know about what we did for you at the funeral home. It was a very profound experience for us, to be able to be the last hands touching you and kissing you goodbye. Warm at last, in your favorite sweater and you looked VERY good! Beautiful!

I’m writing now to beg for help from you, Dan, and Dad, to help with Clif and Kathleen. The pair of them, the health is so bad and Clif’s remorse about Hawaii is killing him also.

Please help me care for them and guide them in getting through these complicated and scary times.

If you can, I know you will anyway, but it never hurts to send these messages.

I miss you, my mother, in my house. It was a blessing to have you for so long. I wish we could have done more, seen more, played more. It wasn’t to be, but what adventures we had during this crazy year of terrible weather and disasters.

Please come and help your children when and if you can.

I’ll keep talking to you.

I love you Mom.