Little Callie

Little Callie

You were my first foster. You and your two babies were found living under a trailer. I enjoyed having you and your babies to care for but it came time to take you back to the shelter to get ready for adoption. Your two babies were adopted right away but I was told you had become withdrawn. I went to visit you at the shelter. You were in a bottom cage on the floor but I could hardly see you. You had yourself pushed as far into the back of the cage as possible. My heart broke. So I made the decision to adopt you and brought you back home. You must not have slept for days. As soon as I let you out of the carrier you found a comfy spot on my bed and slept almost a whole day. You were happy to be home. When you turned 12, cancer came upon you quickly and my heart broke again when you had to leave. Hopefully we will meet again someday.